Struktur Organisasi FISIP
Struktur Organisasi FISIP
Dr. Yuntawati Fristin, S.Sos., M.AB
Dr. Yuntawati Fristin, S.Sos., M.ABDekan FISIP
A person’s success is not determined by intelligence or intelligence alone, but perseverance, patience, tenacity and honesty are the most decisive.
Dr. Rochmad Effendy, B.HSc., M.Si.
Dr. Rochmad Effendy, B.HSc., M.Si. Wakil Dekan I
When you go to college and struggle, sometimes you succeed, and sometimes you learn from failure. Great people have failed too. But only those who are successful can learn from previous failures
Drs. Suatmo Pantja Putra, M.Pd
Drs. Suatmo Pantja Putra, M.PdWakil Dekan II
Ngudi Luhuring Agesang Amrih Sampurnaning Lampis